TELL TATHATA | What is your favorite body movement? How has the movement helped you? Share your favorite body movement and learn what movements have helped others.

This topic contains 7 replies, has 7 voices, and was last updated by  Mark 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • TELL TATHATA | What is your favorite body movement? How has the movement helped you? Share your favorite body movement and learn what movements have helped others.
  • #5821

    Snap tp level. I had so much secondary side tilt.


    My favorite Body Movement is Surf to level. Really helpful in reducing early hip rotation to the left which caused me to pull the ball. POST UP is no longer in the VOCAB!

    Thank you TATHATA!


    Simply understanding the importance of the glutes and rib cage. Very enlightening. Just understanding it now and how to properly engage them has changed and improved things for me so much.


    Backswing to club. Really gave me a feeling of coiling up the energy, before uncoiling the power.


    Glutes back – This gets my weight in the back heel and helps me feel strong and loaded! Second would be “snap to level” as I need to learn this to keep the back foot on the ground longer. Definitely the hardest move for me to master.


    Thank you everyone for sharing. These are all great movements. Thank you for being a part of Tathata Golf and for the energy you have put into the training.



    Surf so far has been biggest as it really helped me in the transition, second is snap to level

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