Wrist Pai

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by David David 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Wrist Pai
  • #1156576


    I’ve noticed recently that my wrists are starting to hurt and my hands. I think it is due to holding the club stronger in and through impact and as I hit the ground that impact is being absorbed by my hands and wrists. I’m not sure if I’m dong something wrong, holding to tight, or hitting the ground to hard. Anyone else dealing with this or can team Tathata give me some feedback on how to help prevent wrist pain?



    Hi Josh,

    I’ve not experienced this with Tathata but I did earlier in my golf career. I focused on swallowing out my swing so that I didn’t take divots very often. I’m sure I’m losing compression and some spin but not having the pain, and thus being able to continue playing golf was far more important to me.

    Without seeing your swing it would be difficult to offer suggestions for how to accomplish this. How far along are you in the program?

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