3 lessons, best round of the year

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 8 years, 7 months ago.

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  • 3 lessons, best round of the year
  • #195945

    This training is so different from anything I have ever learned, probably because I would usually tune this out as “too much information”! But the body movements are resonating with me and I had my best round of the year on this 4th of July — I am a 21 and I shot 89. The “hug” movement was really helpful. It is nice to get positive reinforcement so quickly, I look forward to what is ahead. Will keep you posted!


    Hi Susan,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your incredible accomplishment with us. We are smiling with you and look forward to you training further! Thank you for being open and willing to seeing the greatness that’s already inside of you and brave enough to share it with those around you.

    We would love to continue to hear about your progress. Feel free to post on the forum here, email us directly at [email protected] or share your feedback or even a photo/video with us on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram!

    Thank you Susan for being a part of the Tathata family.

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