Ball position

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by David David 7 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Ball position
  • #677383

    Waited until day 40 was completed until taking some swings…had a difficult time with ball position…any pointers on finding a consistent bottom of your new swing?


    If I remember correctly, one of the videos/handouts talks about situating the ball such that it’s aligned with your left ear. I tend to look at where the logo would be on a polo style shirt (over left breast) and play the ball there in my stance. This also ends up being about 1″ to 1.5″ inside of my left heel as well, if that’s an easier point of reference for you. This is, of course, only for “stock” iron shots. I tend to move the ball back in my stance a little when I’m wanting to flight it a little lower. I think it’s important to experiment with ball position a bit. Play around with it. Try to find what works best for you. Try not to overthink it too much. Good luck.



    Below is a link to a video that you may find helpful. Hope you’re enjoying the program!

    Student Q & A: Ball & Club Position at Setup

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