

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by David David 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Driver
  • #834049

    Hey guys,
    I’m thru the 60 day course and feel like I know more about my swing than ever. I’m hitting my irons as solid and far as I did 15 years ago. Pushing down thru impact and surfing to level make a big difference. However, when I do that with my driver, I’m scraping the ground thru the hitting zone. I wind up either popping the ball up or teeing it really low to hit it in the sweet spot.

    Have you seen this before? Do you have any advice?


    Scott – Below is a like to a video that Bryan made that speaks to the driver swing. Post back if you have additional questions.

    Student Q & A: Adjusting to Driver

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