Expectations & Observations

This topic contains 8 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Mark 7 years, 6 months ago.

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  • Expectations & Observations
  • #1026540

    I am a Tathata “rookie” of sorts. I have only completed Day 13. I am by most standards a proficient golfer – a single digit handicap always searching to improve. I am 61 and have been playing golf for about 45 years. I shiver to think of all the money I have spent on instructors, training aids, books, DVD’s and was a subscriber to an online instructional program (Tiger’s 2cd coach) which I found to be quite lacking. I have thus far found Tathata to be quite intriguing. I also have read many posts from others both pro and con. I think it’s very important that the Tathata staff allow negative comments. If everything were a glowing review, I think I would be quite skeptical.

    I would never expect that any “system” or training of any kind would be a panacea for bad golf. I believe there are certain things that can serve to help any of us, and there are many of us who might not gain anything from Tathata as so many negative comments show. I might end up taking an eclectic approach of some sort by the end. I simply don’t know. I DO know that the stretching routines are very good as one of the many things I have done was to go see a Titlelist Performance Institute certified physical therapist and the exercises I went through were very similar to Tathata.

    I also find the instruction and explanation of all the micro movements involved to be very enlightening….and as many will attest, more challenging than they look. Although it is perhaps better to go through the entire program before attempting to incorporate it onto the course, I am unable to do so. I can’t help but hear Brian’s voice in my head in my pre-shot routine. Thus far, I have experienced the natural inconsistencies as described by so many others. I am not discouraged because I have studied my swing enough to understand what I am doing wrong and can differentiate between “feel versus real.”

    The only other things I would note is that the Tathata staff have been amazingly efficient and responsive to any email I have sent them. Also, although all the videos have already been made, I think it would have been helpful in the stretching exercises to have one of our three instructors demonstrate the “regressive” routines instead of going to it separately on a PDF. I would also echo another member’s post regarding “The Greatest Players” part as nothing is newer among the golfers after Tiger’s 2001 swing. As this is an HD program, it is a bit disconcerting to find nothing better to look at other than grainy old photos and clips.

    Anyway….here’s hoping we all can find something positive from this. I am looking forward to continuing the journey.


    Hello Mark!

    Thank you for taking some of your time to reach out and provide feedback! We are excited that you have chosen to take this journey of building your greatness on and off the golf course. We continue to be amazed at how much we learn from each and every student. We have the expectation that the moments ahead may just be better than they’ve ever been before. Each and every question, swing submission, lesson or golf school provides us an incredible opportunity to learn together. Our students are constantly coming up with new or more clear ways to describe elements of the game of golf and we believe that by coming together we gain in wisdom.

    As you move through the program look at the training as simply “training”! Use Tathata Training as a new element of your golf game. Continue to play golf, continue to hit golf balls and practice while also training and moving through the program. Let the training build into your golf game over time. The more you do the movements and build them into your body, the more real they will become to you and show up without you having to think about “how to” do them.

    If you take the training to the driving range however and become mechanical or consumed with thought it will become challenging. The essence of the training is to build the body alongside the greatest players and answer all of the questions centered around “how to” play the game of golf.

    Answering the questions however is just one aspect as you know it is still “crucial” to train the mind, body, and swing! Imagine watching an instructional video on “how to” do a bicep curl. I can conceptually develop an understanding of the correct form and movement but the only way I can count on my bicep growing is by getting into the gym and training.

    You are training your game alongside the greatest players in the history of the game! Enjoy your time moving through and learning with the community of Tathata Golf students. We are all here for you so that we can learn and grow together!


    Thank you for your reply Tathata. You only prove my point about your staff being so prompt and responsive to your members. I also agree with your advice about not trying to take too much to the course until the movements become completely integrated into my swing and feel natural. 60 days of instruction doesn’t mean the 61st day will yield a true Tathata swing. I admit to having a steep learning curve and have always been balance challenged (the soccer kick is not as easy for me as I would hope) so I am going to exercise great patience with this program. I am also amazed at how many resources of additional information and instruction that are available in the “Chapter Support.” The journey continues.


    You made a couple of good points in your summary, but (apologies) here’s another glowing appraisal from another “rookie”.

    I’m on day 18. There seems to be a eureka moment at this point when a lot of things come together. I’ve literally just got back from the driving range testing out a couple of new ideas and WOW! I had to write something about about my experience so far. Probably seems a weird thing to say at this point, but I think that this training program is close to flawless. The reason I say that is because it’s only ever talking about undeniable and observable truths about the way the human body works to create power at impact and it doesn’t make any assumptions about anyone’s ability or knowledge of the game of golf. The stretching and mental routines are really powerful – I can see an immediate improvement in my flexibility, strength and even my standing posture. This is significant because I’ve had some pretty horrific sporting injuries over the years. The approach of breaking a complex mechanical process into small and repeatable exercises isn’t groundbreaking (for example, it’s the way you would learn any martial art) but the way that Brian and team have applied this to the game of golf is superb! I know even at this stage that I’m going to complete this course and I’m going to repeat the stretching and movement routines for the rest of my life.

    Brian – can you do one of these for skiing?


    Mark, thank you and enjoy!


    Hi John,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your feedback and comments! We are excited that you are enjoying the training so far and seeing improvement in your game and health!

    We agree with you, we have always mentioned that the training and principles behind the program are not profound but have been there for us to see in the greatest players and athletes, we simply have missed it in the game of golf. The path of training is not new in terms of the martial art world, but yes very unique to golf.

    Thank you for being a part of the family, we are sensing the moments ahead for you being better than they have ever been.


    John, thanks so much for your post. It is wonderful to hear from a fellow “Tathatan” with such encouraging results. I applaud your enthusiasm and resolve regarding the program and I agree with your statements. Great to hear of your epiphany from Day 18 and I look forward to that session (as well as my next one.) I would like nothing greater than to have the same experience as you and be among those posting “glowing” reviews.

    One thing that I think many individuals overlook is the fact of how difficult a swing change is. Any Tour pro who goes through one will state that he or she spends several hours every day, seven days a week for many months…..and they’re Professionals!!!!! So, for the rest of the mortals, it only stands to reason that it is going to be a very difficult undertaking.

    I also concur with your assessment of the stretching routines and the general education given regarding the physics and anatomical elements of the golf swing. I consider those components alone worth the cost of this program. Considering the fact that the typical PGA certified in-person lesson with video is around $100 (in my area) and I have had many, I find this program to be as edifying as any individual lesson I have received – no insult to my instructors are intended.

    Also John, I know your request about skiing was (partially?) in jest, but if you’re a skier you are ahead of the curve. You already have ingrained balance into your athleticism and are obviously familiar with how to “use the ground” for your energy. One last thing – if anyone else watched the Women’s British Open…..I noticed Michelle Wie in her pre-shot routine at address cocked the club with her wrists at the same angle demonstrated in Session 11 or 12. Perhaps she is now a Tathatan. If so, give us your thoughts Michelle! Onward with my journey.


    Hi Mark,

    It sounds like you and John are far beyond me in your golf game. I completed the program some time ago, although injuries prevent me taking it to the course for now. With that said, I have been able to sneak in a hit or two on the driving range (and paid the price for it) but could see the positive results from my tathata training. With that said, I did not have an eureka moment like John but instead struggled very hard. Thank goodness for the forum and feedback from Team Tathata. I’m a take-the-clock-apart type of learner so it has taken me a little longer to get things straight in my mind. For me, proper takeaway and then “getting to do an over-the-top movement” back to the ball were hard for me to digest. Once I spent time figuring out how to do those movements properly and not over thinking it, things started to go much better.

    As for how to progress through the program, I think it is a balance of detail and progress. In other words, spend enough time to have a good working knowledge of what is being said without getting bogged down. Also, realize that there may be some movements or positions that they might depict differently with the benefit of hindsight (my opinion only because most of us experience this with projects). This is where videos from the forms are incredibly helpful.

    Good luck on your journey!


    Hi David,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts and insight. I’m deeply grateful to anyone who does so. I would not say my golf game is beyond you or anyone else. Despite the fact that I have a low handicap, I am still capable of hitting virtually any type of horrific shot imaginable and after playing for this much time and countless instruction, find this to be intolerable and incomprehensible. I have been searching for decades to develop that consistent repeating swing which eliminates the “big miss.”

    Sorry to hear about your injuries. I have had my share and am scheduled for two more surgeries after the golf season ends this year. I have always struggled with getting my weight and power moving to the front side. I have been able to have relative success by being pretty much an upper body player. Therefore it makes sense that the surfing of the knees and eventually getting to that beautiful crescent shape finish is difficult for me. When I have done so the results are actually startling.

    I completely understand your approach to this program. Since I am retired I have more time than most (I need it) to invest in this training. I will watch the lesson first, then play it again with my participation. Also, I often will go through the session sometimes three times before moving on. My thoughts, in hindsight, would be that I would have been better served to begin this program in the off season and spend late November through early March on it. Also, I think the program should start with the “Stretching Routines” and then proceed into the established sessions. Nevertheless, here I am and despite the fact that I am only early in Chapter 2, I can really see the logic to everything Brian is doing by building and explaining the slowly developing golf swing. It’s amazing to ponder the fact that so much goes into a 2 second swing. I once read that a typical round of golf relative to the use of body movement (not counting practice swings) only takes an average of approximately 3 minutes. Mind boggling to comprehend how much needs to go into that!

    Anyway, once again my gratitude to you for your candor and advice. It is helpful and I am beginning to feel a real sense of community within this program emanating from current members, graduates, the Tathata staff and of course Brian, Alex and Lauren. That raises my confidence and interest in continuing this journey. Best wishes in your recovery and here’s hoping for success to all out there.

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