Feeling with transition and downswing.

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Brian 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Feeling with transition and downswing.
  • #626300

    I just finished day 28 and I am very happy with the program so far. What I have learned about pressure in chapter 3 has been great applying to my backswing.
    I am having trouble however, with transition and downswing. The way I would describe my swing in transition and downswing would be like pushing a kid on a swing. My transition feels like when the kid is at the top of the swing and I allow gravity to start down. I release the club at the point you would push the swing. I feel like I am assisting the momentum that was started by gravity. I feel like this will not work with my Tathata swing. I feel like I am loosing my swing tempo. I feel like I get too quick in transition. I am hoping maybe the next chapter will address this issue. Is there any advice about tempo and transition thoughts you can offer?


    Hi James – Check out this video from Bryan and see if it answers your questions. http://legacy.tathatagolf.com/video-library/student-q-gravity-play-role-golf-swing/

    This is one of my favorite aspects of the program. I hope it helps!!


    Thanks David. That video helped a lot. Jim


    I too have been told to let gravity start the downswing and with Tathata I felt like I was becoming almost too mechanical by focusing on keeping everything tightly connected. The feeling I am using now is a “pause” at the top, which in reality is probably fraction of a second. For me, I use it to ensure I have completed my back swing, my body is loaded, my hands/wrists are in the correct position and that I start the downswing on the right path. This seems to help. What is your opinion of “pausing” at the top. I see this with some pros such as Matsuyama. thanks


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