Full Backswing

This topic contains 6 replies, has 5 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • Full Backswing
  • #604937

    I’m on Ch 13 and noticed that the movement with the follow through it looks like they are taking a full backswing. I’m not sure what happens in the full backswing with correct right elbow, where the club should be pointed at the top of the backswing etc. is this covered in later chapters ? Also, with the stretching routine I am getting closer to a full shoulder turn but not there yet. Should I stop the lessons until I am able to do a full shoulder turn ?



    Great questions and happy to hear about your progress through the program to this point.

    The backswing is covered in the first couple days of Chapter 2. Hand & Arm Movement 8: Halfway Back Loading will begin to introduce how the hands and arms load to the top of the backswing. The top of the backswing alignment is defined in the explanation of Hand & Arm Movement 10: Moving Energy to Level w/Club. You will also find a detailed explanation of this in the test for Chapter 2 on day 16. You will get further detail in Chapter 3 about the pressure in the arms and how/where they are squeezing and pushing as the club gets loaded in the backswing.

    No worries about not being able to do a full shoulder turn, you should still be able to progress through the program and get plenty of value out of it. One thing we would recommend looking at when doing any of your Body Movement Routine backswing movements is that your lack of a full shoulder turn could be due more to improper movement than a lack of flexibility. Most students actually increase the amount of shoulder turn on the backswing simply from a) pushing back more in the glutes, b) staying centered and c) going slightly down in the legs. It might also help to think of the turn, less of a shoulder turn and more of a turn or loading of the rib cage as well.

    Play with these couple of pointers and notice this may help increase your shoulder turn without actually physically increasing your flexibility. We encourage you to keep going with the level you are at currently. The stretching routine will only help this get better as you progress through the days ahead and a couple of those movement cues may help increase your shoulder turn.


    At the setup the hands arms and body….are in perfect position and distance from the ball.
    At the top of the backswing the whole body, hands, shoulder, knees, glutes ….. are closer to the ground. (movement 8 hands and arms)
    I see all good players go down in the knees while hitting the ball
    Logically the club should hit into the ground by the downswing in this lower position.
    I would like to understand why this does not happen.



    Hi Mark,

    As the body moves down, the rib cage has loaded up to counter balance this. The head will have moved down slightly in the downswing compared to where it was at setup however. This forces the club into the ground 1-2″ more than where it was at setup. The reason it doesn’t hit the ground before the ball is because we have moved forward toward the target in the downswing. The combination of all of this helps to bring the club into the back of the ball and take a divot immediately after contact. Hope this helps clarify some understanding here.


    Hi Mark – In addition to the description above, below is a link to a video where Bryan discusses this. I’ve watched it a few times as I develop my understanding deeper. Hope you’re enjoying the program!!

    Student Q & A: Steepness of shaft angle on downswing


    Played well in a tournament this weekend with 5-10% gain in distance and shot a 77, and 81 compared to recent scores this year 86-90. I used to be 9 handicap (approx 8 index) and am now 66 years old and up to 12.4 index (14 handicap my course). My question relates to straight left arm which I have trouble obtaining and what designates a full backswing? Is the straight left arm obtained from punching? Is the swing finshed when the glutes push back and the rib cage rises? I find that the exercise for width is helpful for stretching and a feel for backswing but seems to conflict with backswing while using a club. What is the position of the right elbow at top of backswing? In addition to and although I played well I had trouble with the driver both right and left and do not feel that I hit my drives at the proper (higher) trajectory. I appreciate your response to my questions including where I will find answers to driver woes.
    Final note – I was apprehensive for some time about starting Tathata training, am glad that I did, only wish that I started sooner. Great program.


    Hi John,

    Great to hear about your increase in distance!

    Yes the straight or full extended/strong/flexed left arm is being built through the front arm punching movement. The right arm will fold up to 90degrees with strength. There is no perfect place for the right elbow just make sure your right arm is strong and stable similar to how it would feel dropping back and throwing a football.

    We’re glad you are enjoying the program, thank you for being open and willing to trying Tathata out.

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