Fullbody Movement PDF

This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Felipe 6 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Fullbody Movement PDF
  • #561966


    Is there a fullbody movement pdf? I know that it encompasses all the movements throughout the program and that they are in the other pdfs, but it would be nice to have this in a pdf form if possible.

    Thank you,



    I have not seen one. With that said, I believe Team Tathata may be about to release some new material. How do you plan to use it and what is your current skill level, if you don’t mind me asking?


    I am a 14 handicap and I thought it would be nice to have and use as a part of my practice routine. It seems these are the movements to focus on going forward as a part of the full swing routine. I plan on doing the individual routines several more times in the future, but this seems to be a great overall routine I can do.


    Nevermind, I see now that there is a fullbody movement PDF in Chapter 4.

    Thank you,



    Full body pdf !! Please.

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