I had a revelation on the course today.

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • I had a revelation on the course today.
  • #965589

    I am on day 52 and was having an inconsistent round when I caught myself watching the ball flight at impact and not finishing to a 9.I was doing this wedge – driver.I started focusing on my swing to finish and not looking for the ball until I got to the finish and the improvement was startling.I think watching the ball flight at impact is my version of “stopping time”.Hoping this might help someone out there.


    Hi Michael,

    Great to hear about your recent success you shared on a different forum topic and for tying your all-time low round of 77! Awesome to see you are recognizing your own version of “stopping time” and know how to adjust accordingly. This is one reason why we have the 60-Day Program, is so students can learn what’s actually happening with their own motion or thoughts/emotions on the golf course and how to fix them.

    Thank you for sharing with us and again, congrats!

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