on going training

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 8 years, 5 months ago.

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  • on going training
  • #275382

    Is there a sequence that can be followed to keep training?


    Hello Thomas,

    Thank you for your question, this is not only an important question for us but also many others training alongside you may have this same question. We are currently continuing to develop products and training to support our students for years to come. To answer your question though currently we are seeing the most success by people who sign up for either an Online Live Chapter Follow-Up, Live Training and Graduate School at Tathata in Scottsdale, or an Online Swing Submittal. Some of the best testimonials are coming from people that complete the program then sign up for the swing analysis. They send in a golf swing that we can analyze and this allows us to provide feedback and a way to utilize the 60-Day Program with specific intention based on their own golf swing. Often times the student will have more correct movement in their swing then they ever could have imagined. We allow the students to focus their energy on specific movements and the pace of improvement radically increases.

    Here is a direct link to Online Live Training page on Tathatagolf.com, http://legacy.tathatagolf.com/tathata-online/ and the link to our Live Training we have available here at the Tathata Golf facility, http://legacy.tathatagolf.com/tathata-training-center/.

    Thank you Thomas.

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