Playing during early stages

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 7 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Playing during early stages
  • #811711

    Just a quick question, I searched the forum and didn’t come up with any hits but I’m sure it’s been discussed. I am at day 5 and I am going to play a round tonight. I’m just wondering what my mind set should be going in with respect to what I have learned so far with the basic movements. Obviously I’m anxious to see results but I don’t want to start incorporating if it’s to early.




    Since frustration is the delta between expectations and actual performance, I’d aim to expect the worst round ever. lol All kidding aside, some golfers seem to experience immediate dramatic improvement while it is a much longer road for others. I suspect it has to do with the foundation on which a golfer is building. If my foundational swing is relatively strong and solid but could benefit from better body movement/positions, then progress would be rapid. On the other hand, if my overall game is good (say 10 index or even better) yet it is the result of numerous compensations all working in a complementary fashion, then my road to greatness may take a bit longer.

    I suspect there are more of us in this latter category than care to admit it. 🙂


    Finishing Day 29 and golfed yesterday. It seems my “road to greatness” is littered with pot holes and I’m feeling more like I’m going to be a car crash on the side of the road rather than driving an F1. My handicap has increased from 22 to 28 and I’m struggling big time. I know, I know patience is key, “sensing greatness” and positive mental attitude all helps but so far I simply have not gotten to a point where I’m contacting the ball with any consistency. To say I’m extremely frustrated and disappointed is an understatement. I took a week or so off from the lessons but that didn’t seem to help.

    I do truly believe in Tathata and I know everyone learns in their own time but I was sure hoping to see some better results after almost 30 hours of training.

    I’m thinking of re-doing the Impact exercises and going back to Pressure Routines before I move on. Is that a good approach or shall I continue to push forward into Chapter 3?


    Hi Geoff! Thanks for reaching out! We would suggest you take some time to dive back into chapter 1 and go back to the body movements. Now that you are starting to learn how to pressurize your entire body, go back to the simple body movements and start to pressurize each motion. Go back to setup, make sure that setup is absolutely correct, have fun with different stances to support different shots / shapes and trajectories. Let the hands and arms adapt to the changes that we make with the body. Let’s look at making this really simple and not about golf per say. When training find strength in knowing that what you are learning is the most athletically sound and functional way to move the body to strike an object with massive force. Make this about building world class striking motions, not about golf. Sometimes when we make it about golf we become attached to mechanics, right vs wrong, on plane, off plane etc. Let’s go back to chapter 1, hearing it for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th and even 5th time will help you quiet the noise. If you find that you need additional movement or golf swing support 1 on 1 with our staff go to your additional training tab to sign up for the experience that makes sense to you. Stick with it Geoff, we are excited to have you as part of Team Tathata!

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