Pressure – The Good and The Bad…


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  • Pressure – The Good and The Bad…
  • #617392

    Before going through this program the notion of pressuring the hands, arms and body was foreign to me. My shots are now more accurate and longer. That’s the good news. The bad news is that if I practice as I did in the past (perhaps an hour in the morning and again in the afternoon hitting many, many balls) I develop golfer’s elbow and can’t play for several days. My conclusion, supported by a massage therapist, is that one cannot repeat a motion many times with the arm being tense without causing injury. So while that pressure does produce better shots I have concluded that practice cannot include unlimited balls on the range. Anyone else experience this or am I misinterpreting how one employs pressure in the swing?


    I am on day 41. I was sore for some time but my body finally got use to it. Possibly you just went at it to hard to soon. I’m right handed. My right elbow was a little sore. My back was sore because of the punch movement. I don’t believe I have ever moved my shoulder that way.


    David – Wow, that’s a lot of practice. I have a few quick questions if you don’t mind.

    How far you are into the program?
    What is your assessment of progress?
    Is there one or more area of your swing that has long been problematic?
    What are your short- and long-term goals for golf?


    David, one thing to make sure is that you are not pushing with the elbow through the strike. The arms should be pressuring into the body and pushing down – allowing the torso rotation to move the club.

    I had a terrible time with tendinitis in my right elbow in another program from pushing the club from the elbow. I really had to examine closely the motion of the right arm into the strike and make sure I wasn’t pushing the club with the right elbow. Rather it had to be more of a body strike with the arms locked onto the body.

    One thing to check that could help is making sure your pressure is at a 5-6 coming into the strike and not a 8-9. I am finding with me that if I feel too much pressure in the arms and hands coming into the strike I loose acceleration and my arms take over. I need to feel more pressure and speed beyond the ball than before so that I keep everything connected and moving with the body.


    In response to Norman, yes I may have overdone it a bit. I am for sure a “range junky” so my arms are used to that repetitive motion and golf elbow has never been a problem in the past. Going forward I will hit fewer balls and focus more on the body movements.

    In response to David I have completed the program and loved it! My cap has dropped from a 16 to a 14 and I have every expectation that falling to a 9 is realistic. That’s because I am longer off the tee and iron shots are straight. Getting out of the sand has even improved. I only wish Tathata Golf had been around years ago!

    And now to Les. I so appreciate you taking the time to offer a possible solution. My trailing arm is my left arm and that’s where the pain is. Rather than letting the arm/body combination create speed I think I have been driving hard with the trailing arm to “help” create speed. I will go back to the videos and watch that move with your suggestion in mind.
    Thanks again



    Thank you for the question and comments from everyone. David, interesting observations, sorry to hear about the flare ups with the golfer’s elbow. One thing many students notice who are used to unlimited range practice is that there is a bit more strength and energy used with every swing that begins to limit this once unlimited practice they were capable of. Unfortunately it sounds like you are being limited not only by the exertion of energy but by the golfer’s elbow as well.

    We would make the recommendation that engaging and pressurizing the body and arms should actually help to protect the ligaments and tendons of the elbow and other body parts throughout the motion. Violently straightening the arm loosely seems like it would have a more adverse affect than violently straightening the arm but keeping the muscles pressurized and engaged.

    Without being there to better diagnose if there is anything in your motion that could be causing this, ice and rest are our only remedies at this point. Again, you may notice that your swing uses much more strength and energy that your previously used to which may start to limit your unlimited amount of practice you had been capable of. This is not a bad thing, as long as your elbow issues begin to subside.

    If there is anything else we can do, let us know.



    Hi David,
    I had the same problem. I think all of the advice here is really good. Another way to attack the problem is through a device called, Roll Recovery:

    This is mainly used by cyclists and runners for their legs. I saw it in my gym, used it once on my (tendonitis) arm, and immediately bought one. I use it when I’m watching TV and have noticed that my tendonitis is pretty much nonexistent. Think of it as a deep tissue massage for your arm. You can roll it up and down your arm, use static pressure on a particular spot, or just hold it in one spot while you supinate and pronate your wrist back and forth to massage across your muscle fibers.

    Hope this helps.


    OMG! I’ve experienced the issue with the arm (I’m a lefty too) and have worked through it as follows:
    – less practice, but more focused. I work in my house on the full swing video, or if I need work on short game, that video. Then at my range, spend 30 minutes max on certain aspects. I’m not hitting everything in the bag.
    – Got the roller at the recommendation of a TPI certified therapist (my brother). Spot on, Jay!
    – I was previously coached to swing for the fences. When I pressurize and follow the routine, it almost feels like I’m swinging at 80%. Less violence, more center contact, and better body synch: prepare to accept the results: more distance and better intended ball flight.

    I think mentally thinking that I’m swinging at 80% for me was the key. Since this is an older post, I’m wondering how you’re doing right now?

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