Why is the program 60 days in length?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 9 years, 9 months ago.

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  • Why is the program 60 days in length?
  • #5007

    Golf has developed a reputation of being an incredibly difficult sport that takes years to learn. Because of that and other influences that continue to develop throughout our culture, many have fallen in love with the quick fix in golf. When we compare learning and training principles for thousands of years from the martial art world or even those found in other sports, they seem to differ significantly from what we typically see within the game of golf today. In martial arts and other sports, there is structure to the learning or a path to follow to progress through and ultimately improve. The Tathata 60-Day Program introduces this way of learning to the game of golf for the first time.

    With care for the student, the amount of information and balance of learning and training within the training program simply are delivered most effectively and efficiently over a 60-day period.

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