Recommended time one should allot for stretching exercise routine?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Scott 8 years, 3 months ago.

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  • Recommended time one should allot for stretching exercise routine?
  • #319468

    I strongly believe in strength and exercise training for golf and have viewed the tutorial on exercise training under section’s 1-10. I am curious with regard a recommendation from staff regarding the frequency (daily? 3-4 times per week etc.) and amount of time one should allocate to stretching, including number of sets and reps per stretch and strength exercise?


    Hi Scott,

    Thank you for reaching out to us, this is a great question and will help other students as well who see it. Please click the link below to access a video response to your question from Bryan Hepler, the founder of Tathata Golf.

    Student Q & A: Getting the Most Out Of The Tathata Stretching Routine

    Thanks Scott, Enjoy.


    Thank you for the reply and thank Bryan for taking time to video his response. What attracted me most to the Tathata Golf program was the integration of golf and martial arts. I studied martial arts for many years when I was a bit younger. However building a business and helping raise five children consumed most of my available time so something had to go and martial arts lost out. Oh yeah, and than I found golf at 30!!

    I am thoroughly enjoying the program and look forward to meeting Bryan and other staff members after I complete the 60 day program. By that time I should have dropped from my bipolar 10 to a 5!


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