Sand Play


This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by David David 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Sand Play
  • #590154

    I am having difficulties in making good bunker shots. I have set up in a manner consistent with the videos and have received some feedback from Brian. All have not really assisted. While a majority of the program has been very beneficial this segment has actually negatively impacted my game. Any suggestions or guidance you may be able to give would be most helpful.

    Thank you

    Frank Miles


    In what areas are you struggling? Are you thinning your shots, not getting the spin you need, inconsistent?

    “They” say bunker shots are the easiest – I have not found that to be necessarily true – and what it takes is just trusting the bounce to dig out the shot.

    For my it’s just trying to throw the sand to where I want the ball to go – the farther the sand shot, the farther I have to throw the sand with the club. I open up my stance and the club face and try to slide the club under the ball, hitting an inch or so behind it so I get the sand and not the ball. The bounce keeps the club from digging in and that’s where the thump comes from.


    I just watched the sand shot routine today so I would have to modify my statement above to say not to open the stance but definitely open the club face.

    One thing I found I have to do to keep from skulling the ball from the sand is place the ball more foreward than on a normal chip shot. This is to be sure I hit the sand first and not the ball. Again, I am trying to throw the sand to my target and the ball gets to come along for the ride.


    Frank and Les – Here is a short clip demonstrating a Tathata sand shot…with a 2 iron!

    2 iron bunker shots at today's short game clinic @glendoveer …. R.I.P. Seve @tathatagolf #squarestance

    A post shared by Vincent Johnson Golf (@vjohnsongolf) on

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