Squeezing on downswing-the greats

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Squeezing on downswing-the greats
  • #642041

    Hi, I am an extremely enthused and grateful Tathata 60 day video student and recent attendee of the two day school in February. I am so excited for the upcoming season thanks to the video and the school.
    My question is on the downswing, with “The Greats” it seems like initially they’re creating more space or gap between the right and left knees-almost like you could fit a ball between the knees. Is this due to a conscious effort by the properly trained golfer to keep the right thigh back while the left knee “surfs”, or is this just the result of the proper building of pressure in the glutes from a 4 at the top of the backswing to a 5 or 6 at impact? Or am I just imagining the gap?
    Thanks to the entire Tathata team for a wonderful experience at the school and best wishes for future success,

    Don Lee


    Hi Don!

    Thank you for taking some time to reach out we hope all is well!

    As you “surf to level” there is a sense of strength in the legs. The gap between the knees at the surf to level position will vary based upon the width of the stance and the amount of speed they are creating. For example a hard driver will give a wider appearance than a stock wedge shot. The look of this movement will also vary based on different body types. Don’t feel as though you need to make a conscious effort to spread your knees in transition this will happen naturally as you refine your movements and add speed appropriately to the bottom of the arc!

    We hope this helps answer your question and we are looking forward the moments ahead.

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