How does streaming the 60-Day Program work?

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • How does streaming the 60-Day Program work?
  • #10440

    All streaming of the 60-Day Program is done on When signing up for the 60-Day Program, you will create your own  username and password that you will use to login to your account on and receive immediate access to the training online.

    The training is there for you to access whenever you choose to. The program doesn’t have to completed within 60 calendar days. You may train at your own pace and on your own time, as much or little as you wish.

    The online streaming version takes you through a strategic curriculum and path to learning the movements and principles within the program. Each day of training much be completed before moving on to the next day. This allows the training to build on itself, and provide a safe and efficient way for each user to receive and train in the content being introduced.


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