Surfing Past Level

This topic contains 6 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • Surfing Past Level
  • #301955

    I’m on day 32 and I can honestly say I’ve achieved significant success with my training so far. My miss however is a push/push slice. Is it possibly caused by surfing past level and therefore leaving the face open? Am I on the right track? Thanks for any help. Scott


    Hi Scott,

    Great to hear you are over half-way through the program and have experienced success as well! Thank you for your question, we have filmed a video response for you. To view the video please click the link below.

    Student Q & A – Push/Push Slice

    Thank you Scott, enjoy.


    Hi Scott,

    Great to hear you are over half-way through the program and have experienced success as well! Thank you for your question, we have filmed a video response for you. To view the video please click the link below.

    Student Q & A – Push/Push Slice

    Thank you Scott, enjoy.


    Thank you for that video. I feel honored to get such a personal response though I’m sure it will help many of your students. Bryan’s explanation is so clear and as always based on common sense. I noticed when I started my lawnmower the other day I stood behind the mower in an athletic stance and pulled the rope with strength and pressure. I didn’t need to bend my elbow or create lag or drop into the slot, nor did I have to think about it at all, just did it. I guess that is what we are after.

    Again Thanks and thank Bryan. You folks are very thoughtful. Scott


    Great job on the video it reinforced some key elements. I also can have the push miss but after reviewing my baseball throw routine and divot noticed that the clubface was open due to the grip rather than lack of pressure or surfing past level. Might be something to consider.


    Really helpful video. Having completed day 38 today, I went to the range and suffered from pulls and slices – it wasn’t good. Having watched that video, it has answered a few questions I had regarding the downswing and why I had been slicing/flipping the hands on impact.

    I will be chopping up the garden this weekend with divots before heading back to the range for round 2.


    Thank you for feedback, great to hear this video was for helpful for all of you.

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