Tailbone at set up

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by David David 7 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Tailbone at set up
  • #1063516

    I’ve completed 30 days of the training and still running into a couple of issues. I feel like that I keep losing balance on the surf to level movement and feel like I’m going to fall back or I’m having to push my right hip forward to keep balance causing early extension. I think my tailbone may be pushed to far out at set up so when I complete the backswing and get ready to snap to level, I’m leaning to far towards the ball if that makes sense. So my question is at set up, where should my tailbone be set and also what should my lower back be doing(point straight to the ground below my pelvis or straightened out pointed behind my body)? Thanks for your help!


    Hi David,

    I think the video below may answer your question. Hope it helps!!

    Student Q & A – Spine Angle at Setup

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