Thank you Brian

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by David David 7 years ago.

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  • Thank you Brian
  • #1149765

    I have just completed day 11 and I’ve had that real light bulb moment. For the three years I’ve been playing golf I have had golf lessons and the one thing I never understood about grip was when the said show more glove on your left hand. I have been told I have a good swing but I’ve never really got the distance that my ball striking deserved.

    I’m not sure if applying more pressure with the palm will help however just how I was holding the club I felt in control and I was getting the club head speed through being in control.

    I am really enjoying the programme, the mental training has started to work on the course and by spring I feel my game will be in a place where I will achieve greatness.

    I am not sure if you view the forum Brian, if you do you thank us every day for going the video but I want to thank you as I am beginning to love the game of golf again because of how simple you make it. I’m not where I want to be but I can definitely look forward and see me reaching my goals.


    Thank you Stuart for sharing your comments and feedback here! How great to hear that you have gained some club head speed, that’s got to be a great feeling!

    I will share your feedback with Bryan, he will smile hearing how you love the program and are seeing results!


    Congrats Stuart! It is really great to hear about the success others are having with the program. What day are you presently on?

    This board doesn’t seem to get much action these days now that the new site is up and running. I’m a bit sad that there is no forum there because it Congrats Stuart! It is really great to hear about the success others are having with the program. This board doesn’t seem to get much action these days now that the new site is up and running. I’m a bit sad that there is no forum there because it removes the Feynman technique that users deploy, often unknowingly.

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