Thoughts on range practice after day 22

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by David David 7 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Thoughts on range practice after day 22
  • #615114

    Long Island weather warm enough to hit the range. Here are a few thoughts on the my experience. Glad to have some feedback.
    1. Enjoyed the lessons so far and am committed to completing the program. Here’s a couple of things I noticed in my first practice since starting.
    2. I have more club head speed then ever. Hitting balls about a club longer. Hard to tell with range balls and a cool wind in the face. Will know more when I play in Florida in three weeks.
    3. I’ve lost accuracy. Lots of pull hooks and push slices. I think the pull hooks are due to not surfing through impact aggressively. The slices I think may be due to not keeping the back elbow in front of me. If it gets too far behind me I’ll have and over the top move, therefore a slice. When I put it all together it feels like butter.
    4. I’ve noticed that my lower back, which has given me fits for 40 years, is not bothering me much after hitting 100 balls two days in a row. First time ever and a wonderful surprise. Anybody have any thoughts?


    Hi James – It’s great to hear that you, too, are enjoying the program! You have just gotten into one of my favorite components of the program — pressure. My recommendation is to stick with what you’re doing and continue to refine the movements with pressure. Chapter 3 also has a lot of good stuff that I’m sure you’ll enjoy and benefit from. It would be impossible for me to guess what is causing your inconsistency but it sounds like you’ve probably not yet grooved the new swing. Hang with it. One of the biggest benefits of Tathata is improved accuracy with irons! The safety through impact is really neat.

    Best luck!!

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