Toe Hits

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • Toe Hits
  • #137231

    I am on day 25 of the program and have been trying to introduce the training on the course. I have developed a troubling trend now. I am trying to use pressure, but have begun to hit the ball off of the toe of the club. I think it is a combination of surfing back and the pressure of the arms on the body that is bringing the club in tighter to my body on the downswing. Any suggestions?



    Without knowing more, one suggestion would be to stand closer. Not in the sense of stating the obvious but because of the fact if you are feeling the push back in the lower body and hands and arms coming in toward the body through impact, it will be very helpful if the hands are no more than 1 fist length away from your thighs at your setup to complement these proper motions. Another place I would look is at your Body Movement 7 – Snap to Level and Body Movement 10 – Thrust Through Impact movements. It’s important to note that in both of these movements there is a big motion made forward toward the target. Being sure the pelvis and body work far enough forward in these motions can also help any miss-hits off the toe.

    When performing Snap to Level, be sure the front knee is finishing closer to the target than the front foot. You will notice this puts the head almost directly even with the ball. As you Thrust Through Impact, be sure that the front hip flexor is the closest thing to the target, closer than the front knee and front foot. This will help ensure that you have thrusted far enough forward while the arms come on the body through impact.

    Great to hear you have been able to apply some of the movement training to your swing. I hope these minor changes help complement your new movements and that miss hit off the toe quickly disappears.

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