Too many swing thoughts

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  • Too many swing thoughts
  • #467973


    As I go through the program, I’m slowly grasping each of the individual movements but I’m having trouble putting everything together. For example, in the takeaway alone, the following movements are taking place:

    – Slight push back in the glutes
    – Slight lifting of the ribcage
    – A bit of a squeeze/pushdown in the right pec/shoulder area
    – Some pressure applied by the lifeline of the right hand to the left thumb
    – A bit of a push down with the left hand

    I find if I focus on one or two of the above, then I can perform the movement adequately. But I have trouble trying to perform all of the movements at the same time. How do I incorporate the above movements into the swing without becoming overwhelmed by swing thoughts?


    I know how you feel. I went to the range for the first time today. It’s still covered in snow here in BC, Canada. I am on Day 26 and there is a lot to think about. I tried some full swings and it was a disaster. But then… I came up with a plan. I broke the swing into 2 parts. The setup, backswing and snap to level (repeat this 5 times)… and then starting from snap to level turn the body hit the ball to finish position. That way i didn’t have to remember everything. I then hit the ball 5 times from snap to level for every one full swing. Big difference. I had good contact almost every time from snap to level position. Even with that short a downswing the ball still goes far enough so its easy to judge direction and flight. The body gets it after a while. Not sure if Tathata would recommend this but it worked really well for me.

    And a word on the mental side. It’s worth taking the time for the mind training. It really helps both as you approach the setup and during the swing. It may sound crazy but it does work. It gives you more confidence and takes negative thoughts away.



    Don – I like Keith’s approach. The hard part about Tathata is figuring out if your body is doing what your mind thinks it is. Videoing each movement would be one approach. Another would be finding a local movement specialist or using Tathata’s on-line system. Using video and consulting with a movement specialist would be ideal if you’re interested in speeding up progress.

    The thing with Tathata is the program is built upon developing movements that will never have to be questioned once you have learned them. However, building these movements into one’s swing will take time and effort (more or less depending on the individual). As Keith pointed out, this is where the mental training helps. Students need to be patient and expect greatness to develop over time as they take a disciplined, methodical approach.


    Great questions Don, thank you for reaching out to us.

    Keith and David, thank you for the thoughts here. As you move to the range, the movements may take a couple practice sessions before becoming part of your swing as you hit the ball. The more you train, the more and easier these movements will become a part of your full swing without even having to think about it. It would be beneficial to begin noticing where your full swing motion differs from the movements as you practice to enhance your training. This will give you an idea of what movements from the program to focus on in your training that are the biggest differences to your current swing. Know as you continue training the movements will become more and more a part of your natural motion as you go to hit the ball. As you train, start sensing where the ball and target would be. This should help take some of your training and transition it to the range and your full swing when hitting a ball. It can also help to spend time on the range really breaking down each movement and seeing how it differs from things you typically feel as Keith suggested. Feel free to simply enjoy the time at the range however, feel where your swing might differ from your movements and work through these differences while training with the program. Great thoughts all around, we are here if you have any others.



    Thanks everyone for your great suggestions. I’ll start to implement them in my training.


    I did the program last year and loved it. One of the things I have enjoyed with the program is that I do not have to think about it. Actually I find thinking about it ruins it. Make sure you are giving the mental excercises in the program the same as the physical movement as it is talked about a lot. Let go when you are swinging, trust who you are and that you know what to do, and do it.

    Not to say I do not think about the movements but it is more as a post analysis after a game, recognizing opportunities for improvement, practice sessions, etc. but I never think through the movements during an actual swing.

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