Upcock Sensation

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Upcock Sensation
  • #951930

    I’ve been working on the impact section and specifically the upcoCk sensation through impact. I was at the range and was starting to get the feel of that. I started making very good contact and distance. The feel was like I was whipping through impact. But I’ll be honest, it doesn’t make sense to me how upcoCling the wrists through impact would help with speed and distance. Am I off base here or have others had this same experience? Maybe I should question this and just keep working on it, but it goes against everything I’ve been taught. Any thoughts?


    Hi Scott,

    Thank you for the question. For further clarification on what exactly the hands and arms are doing in and out of impact, please refer to the video below. The video is a response from Bryan to a student who had a question very similar to you recently.

    If you have any other questions let us know, enjoy!

    Student Q & A: Hands & Arms Through Impact


    Thank you for the video link. It’s amazing how when I added this little sensation through impact, my swing seems to really speed up and feels more solid. It’s one of the most unique concepts I’ve experienced in this program.


    Great to hear you found this valuable, thank you for the feedback!

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