Using support


This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 9 years ago.

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  • Using support
  • #34935

    Having just started today, and completing lesson 1, I’m confused as to the intent of the support pages and videos as to sequence of use. Am I expected to have completed all lessons in chapter 1 before looking at the support videos and PDF’s? I strated to look at them an found they did not necessarily relate to the lesson I completed.



    Great question. The Chapter Support is there for you to utilize if you choose after the lesson video to get further explanation on the movements/training, as well as additional education on the health and golf benefits with each movement.

    The Stretching Support video offers additional and supplemental stretches if you happen to have an injury or limitation in your movement. Many of our members have found this video very helpful.

    These chapter support materials, although detailed and helpful, are not required to watch. They are there for additional support if you choose to use.

    Thank you and enjoy!

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