Weight shift


This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 9 years, 5 months ago.

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  • Weight shift
  • #8723

    There is no discussion regarding weight shift to the back leg during the backswing. Is this addressed in later chapters? Is it considered unimportant as it happens “naturally”?



    You are correct, there is very little talked about as it relates to weight shifting to the back leg in the backswing. As you may know from Body Movements 4 and 5, as the club is drawn to the top of the backswing the weight remains completely centered between both feet as both glutes push back and the lower body loads down into the ground. Details of how the weight/pressure is loaded on the feet specifically is discussed in depth in the Introduction to Pressure Movements Routine in Chapter 3. Please feel free to reach out with anymore questions or if this still is unclear after completing Chapter 3.

    Thank you,

    Tathata Staff


    I was wondering, when we move left or “surf” as seen in Hogan and many great athletes; should our head be moving left as well? Lots of players attempt to keep their head in the same position at impact as at address almost. The video mentions the head as being part of the body so I was curious if our head should move with the upper body.jack Nicklaus and some tour pros appear to have their right ear covering the ball at impact. Thanks!




    Great thoughts. Yes, as you will see in day 8 in the movements of the greatest players and during the “Surf to Level” movement from the Body Movements Routine, the head will go slightly down and slightly toward the target at the start of the downswing. That being said the head will be slightly closer to the target at impact than it was at address. The head movements is discussed in detail in the deeper discussion on day 32 of the program as well.

    The right ear being on the ball at impact is something we subscribe to as long as the front side crescent is beginning to develop on the front side of the body coming into impact.

    I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any more questions. Happy training!

    Thank you,

    Tathata Staff

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