Anatomical Review Videos | FAQs

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  • Anatomical Review Videos | FAQs
  • #6351

    Take a deeper look into specific movements from the program from an anatomical perspective. Through the lens of anatomy, these easy to use videos offer a slightly different perspective and understanding of how Tathata Training supports quality movement and functionality.


    Where are these videos?



    I don’t see these either.



    I see, the videos and pdf’s are to the left. It might be better to have the list on the right link to the videos.

    I just finished day 1 and this is good stuff.



    Where are these videos regarding Anatomical Reviews and greatest players?



    I agree. Good stuff. I just finished day 3. I still haven’t found the videos tho.


    Sorry for any trouble finding these videos. The chapter support material provides a powerful way to supplement your daily learning through the program. If you haven’t found these videos yet, they can be found under the 3rd tab on the chapter overview pages. Recently, these have also been updated to be found underneath the 3rd tab of each day of training.

    Tab 1- Chapter Overview
    Tab 2- Chapter 1 | Days 1-10 Lessons
    Tab 3- ***Chapter Support***

    Hope this helps! We encourage you to enjoy all of the supplementary chapter support material throughout the program.


    I have found them. Thank you very much. They are quite helpful.


    I have watched part of this one and want to do back where I left off at the Soccer kick. how do I do that? [email protected]





    First we want to apologize that the system did not remember where you previously left off and is something we are looking into.

    To get back to where you were follow the steps below:

    1. First go back to the Anatomical Review – Body Movements video inside your Chapter 1 support material and press play.

    2. You will see a “contents” slide 7 seconds into the video. I would encourage you to pause the video so you can read the text provided on that slide.

    3. Any of the content on Body Movement 8 – Soccer Kick, as well as Body Movements 9-10 start at 34:59 minutes into the video.

    4. Scroll to 34:59 in the video and enjoy.

    Thank you for reaching out.


    OK. Thx. I did that and it just sends me back to the beginning.

    NP. I watched the Hand and Arms whole session and it worked fine.

    I’ll just pick a time when I can watch the whole Body Movement session and let it play and start watching it at the 34 minute mark to the conclusion.




    I wanted to provide a little more information regarding the stopping and returning to your training where you previously were. We have recently discovered that when viewing the training from a desktop or laptop computer a user is able to return to the day and exact time he/she previously was, but when streaming with a smart phone or tablet a user may only return to the day he/she previously was on and not the specific time.

    Whether you are streaming from a tablet or a desktop computer, you should still be able to skip ahead to the time you previously were and not have to watch the entire video over again.

    I hope this information helps.




    I’ll give er another try.




    i use a lap top and it starts back to the beginning when I advance it. very annoying. needs fixed


    Thanks Bernard for the feedback. This is a feature that is offered through our video host and unfortunately is not in our control, but we have been told it should work on laptops. We have also tested this in-house and were successful in returning to the exact time the video previously was.

    I’m sorry to hear that this feature didn’t work for you. Can you provide more information to help us find a solution.

    1) What video were you watching when this happened.
    2) If you remember, what time in the video did you get to prior to returning to the video and it starting from the beginning?
    3) Do you this experience with all videos on

    Thank you in advance for this information.


    I also have a laptop and this doesn’t work. It always takes me back to the beginning of the Anatomical Review Video. I didn’t even close down the video. I just paused it. This has to be fixed since there is no fast forward capability.

    If you want to expand the business, these types of issues will need to be resolved or you will get overwhelmed with complaints, people will stop using the software, and you will lose referencability.

    It is crucial that you have a strong technical partner, because without you will have difficulty succeeding.



    Thank you for taking the time to provide your feedback, we appreciate it. I’m sorry to hear about this, we understand your frustration and agree with you. Our videos are hosted with an online host called Vimeo and this is a setting they are working on expanding to all devices, where you may return to the exact time of the video you previously were. Are we understanding correctly and please correct us if we are wrong, when you say that after pausing the video and while remaining on the page, you then clicked play and the video returned to the beginning? This shouldn’t happen unless time had past and your phone went to “sleep” mode which would reset the page and unfortunately start your video from the beginning.

    We do have an option to “jump ahead” or fast-forward by moving or sliding the time bar to the point you previously were. I know this isn’t quite the answer or solution you were looking for, but may be helpful for the time being until Vimeo updates this feature to all devices.

    I’m sorry for this inconvenience and will definitely keep you updated when this update takes place.

    Thank you Francis.


    Under the 3rd tab chapter support for day 1, all i have are the discussion links. No links for videos.

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