Incredible we are smiling Larry thank you for sharing! What an incredible feeling to shoot a score that is lower than its ever been before, better than its ever been before. Remember as you step into each and every shot that the moments ahead might just be better than they’ve ever been before. The magic is in the moments ahead, the “might just be”. Remember moving forward that not only can we stop time in what feels like a negative direction but we can also stop time after doing something great! When we shoot our lowest score ever can we be brave enough to look out in front and expect something better than its ever been before in the next moment. If we try to bring the past forward, or recreate something we did yesterday this is also stopping time. It is incredible that you were able to do something you’ve never done before! You should smile and be proud of this moment, but… the next time you play remember that the moments ahead might just be better than they’ve ever been before and if you are brave enough to see what is out in front rather than recreate the past lower and lower scores are effortlessly out there waiting for you!