Finally, Instruction that explains "that feeling"

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Lance 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • Finally, Instruction that explains "that feeling"
  • #10863

    It doesn’t matter how long you have played golf. We have all hit at least one shot that was balanced & athletic that produced a powerful, solid strike on the ball – “the shot that brings us back to the course”. Finally, golf instruction that is designed to duplicate that feeling the moment when it all comes together to hit an athletic, balanced powerful golf shot.

    I’m a 57 year old single digit handicapper. At various times over the years I have “felt” many of the positions learned over the past couple of weeks. The feeling was the result of a tip or golf instruction that work for a time before being left to find the next “secret move” to consistent ball striking.

    I have already seen vey positive results on the range and course. Not only improvement in my ball striking but also in my mental approach to the next shot. I can’t wait to see what happens over the next 40 days.

    Best Swing Thought so Far : Starting the swing with my feet up to a feeling of open ribs/shoulders…



    Thank you for sharing your feedback. It’s incredible to hear about the improvement in your ball striking and that you are also enjoying the mental training. We look forward to the energy of greatness building as you continue to train and sense something new out in front, something better than you have ever expected.

    Thanks Scott.


    Just completed Day 40. As Scott said the instruction explains “that feeling”. I have learned so much about the swing that I don’t wonder about it anymore. I know what to do and I just keep practicing so there is no more thinking just doing.

    It took 40 days since I had ingrained hard habits to break. I feel it now. It hasn’t been easy but very rewarding. I never feel the desire to watch any YouTube videos on swinging. The best instruction is right here.

    With much respect for the Tathata teaching,

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