Grip for Flop/Bunker Shot

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  • Grip for Flop/Bunker Shot
  • #518823

    I’m really enjoying and benefitting from the Tathata 60 Day Training. If only this had been available back in the 60’s when I started playing golf?
    I’m now on Day 42 and slightly confused about the grip for a bunker/flop shot. With the club so far open at address, should I be moving my hands round to the left on the grip, so I can still hardly see any knuckles?


    I’m several days behind but this seems like an interesting question so I’m following it.


    I too would like to hear this answer. It seems like in the setup they take the grip with the club square and then open it up, because it looks like more knuckle is showing. But I’m not sure and the supporting materials did not detail it.


    I just finished Day 42 and what I heard was we take our normal grip except that instead of the club being square to the target line the face is opened 45*. If you have a reminder grip that could be causing some problems. My grips are round so in all respects except the direction of the face I am taking my normal grip.


    Hi guys. I’ve been thinking about this question as well. I think this has been discussed previously during the program. Since I don’t see an answer here, I’ll take shot at it.

    Take your normal grip and stance with a wedge. Getting lower in the ground reduces shaft angle and toe of club comes up or closes the club face. One of those magnetic pointers on the face of club would be pointing left. Now, if you rotate the shaft opening the club face, say 45 degrees, the pointer would come back to the intended line.

    Let me know what you think. I’ve got plenty bad golf thoughts already. Don’t need any more


    This is a good question, thank you Andrew for asking it and thank you everyone for the comments here.

    For flop and bunker shots, yes the grip would be the same we just changed how the club is sitting in our hands. Also something to note here, since we have opened the club face and caused it to be out of balance we will need to apply more pressure.

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