Keeping things in sync

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  • Keeping things in sync
  • #865448

    Greetings everybody,
    having passed day 31 and bringing things to the range and course, I realize I am having synchronization problems. When breaking down the swing into the individual parts such as “surfing to level”, “follow through”, “backswing” etc., things work nice, but when putting the pieces together, things feel wrong and out of sync. I feel my shoulders acting more actively than I want (not being moved as part of the motion initiated by the lower body), I can fell my arms being behind where they should be, you name it. Any suggestions on how to get past those difficulties, esp. on where the club should be (including wrist positions) after surfing to level are very welcome!
    Thanks in advance,


    Hi Andy! Thanks for reaching out and great work with your training so far. You bring up a great few questions and we are happy to help! One thing that can be easily misinterpreted by Tathata students is how to compartmentalize the training. As you build these movements into your golf swing it is so easy to “think positions” or “think movements” vs. “play golf” from your heart center. That being said there is nothing wrong with thinking about the movements when you’re playing, but as you continue to train there will come a time when the movements themselves will no longer be a conscious “thought” if you choose it to be. As you continue to train the movements they will seamlessly become a part of you and your motion. Quoting Jack Nicklaus, “all I want to do is get the energy right.” If we put more focus and intention towards getting “the energy” right, like a child on Christmas morning, the movements themselves and your overall golf game will improve without making it difficult and about positions of the hands, arms, golf club. Of course we need to train and of course we need quality mechanics to strike a golf ball correctly, but the essence of Tathata Training is in the energy of greatness out in front. If we can expect that for whatever reason the next moment might be better than it’s ever been before, then you can expect your mechanics to follow that energy. Now as it relates to your thoughts about being “stuck” with the hands and arms. In martial arts the words “stuck” or “arms behind me” would never be found. In golf these words or thoughts only exist because we do not understand pressure. As you build these movements know that it is the pressure that holds these movements together and keeps the golf club in front of the body (pressure building from our center moving out into the limbs and body). The “sword” in martial arts would never “float” or “get stuck” because it is pressurized to move with the body. That being said in golf we expect to move a golf club 40, 50, 60, even 100 mph! Can you imagine moving a sword 100 mph day 1 without understanding pressure? There is a reality in martial arts that to move any implement that fast takes some training and serious understanding of pressure. We would encourage you to use the training as your time for analytical thought “i.e. mechanics” and use your time on the golf course or driving range as your time for practicing “Andy’s greatness” or “Andy’s energy.” Give it a try and see what you think, you can always reach out to us for continued support on your path! Have a wonderful day Andy!


    Greetings again and thanks for your answer.
    I am well aware that the goal is to not spend thoughts on mechanics but to “know” how the body works together. However — and I have done several years of both Taekwondo and Hapkido — to learn this “not stopping time” / “being sure of what I do” requires awareness of the body esp. during the first period of training. For instance, I cannot perform a Tymien-Pandae-Tollyo-Chagi in Taekwondo if I will not let my torso follow my energy from jumping and twisting. However, this timing and “letting follow” may imho require some instructions or images on when to start moving for instance the shoulders if one just does not get the right at the very beginning.
    Be it as it may, I performed day 34 today and here the arm/wrist positions in the pressure routine are quite clear, esp. when having day 32 and 33 still in mind. I will go to the range and try things tomorrow. I think the discussion about leg work would be helpful way earlier in the 60 day program!
    I will let you know how things worked out,
    best regards,


    Having been to the range and on the course again, most of the sync problems are far less strong than before. However, the sporadic fat hit problem many people here seem to have is also a problem of mine. And worse, what I never had before Tathata, is an awful slice/strong fade problem which I have not suffered from before ever. Now, nearly each longer hit (iron 6 and longer) is curving happily to the right. I am trying to follow both the backward idea when surfing to level and the glutes back concept at the start of the downswing, but I think the natural path is not yet happening and would be thankful for any slice curing idea before chapter 6!
    Best regards,


    Hey Andy! Thanks for reaching out, for starters lets go back to setup. When we are setting up to it, sometimes it can be misinterpreted how to functionally setup to the golf ball. We must make sure that the spine is set correctly first before we begin movement. When you setup to it, make sure the glutes feel slightly “tucked” underneath, or in other words, a slight squeeze in the stomach as if you are holding a diamond in your belly button. Think of keeping your your belt line virtually level or parallel to the top of your rib cage at setup. When we set up the energy correctly at setup, and keep the “diamond in the belly button” to the top of the swing (drawback a punch), then the glutes will stay back and allow plenty of room to fire the hands and arms back in front of you (snap to level). Let’s make sure we at least get the setup correctly first to match the greats. If we can get the setup correct, with the spine set properly, then we have a chance to move correctly from there. If you want to submit a video of your golf swing or sign up for a chapter follow up so we can better support your needs!


    Hey Andy. Great to hear about your own martial arts back ground and progress with Tathata Golf and your own game. I identify with some of the shot outcomes you describe. Currently I am focusing on small simple movements by chipping a ball from my slow at and onto my sofa about 2-3 meters away. I have three cushions close together and I’m trying to hit the middle one. With just a small takeaway and downward pressure and a deliberate surf action, a little pressure and a small thrust at impact I’m getting the feeling and outcome I’m after from the course. I’m taking that to the garden and increasing the distance. As I get that feeling I go to the course and repeat the above two exercises and then add a stock 9 or 8 or 7 with the same feeling as the chip onto the sofa but just increase the ‘ingredients’. I’m finding this is working for me as the surf to level is not a natural body movement for me to use to initiate the swing. Hope that helps. Good Luck with your Journey.

    Thanks Tathata Team for sharing…

    Lee (UK – Sussex)


    Greetings to both of you and thanks for your replies. Same as Lee, I decided to start working with small 30% to 60% moves first, that seems to help a little. Sometimes the balls drift off to the left a little, but thinks are ok. Due to the fact that I have to garden and thus no opportunities such as Lee, I have to do this at our club’s pitching green. I have noticed that most problems occur in the full swing mainly. I agree completely with Lee that the surfing to level thing is rather unnatural. What I begin to feel in addition:
    1) In the end all should be one movement instead of a bunch of connected actions, an I think this esp. hold for surfing to level and the first part of the follow through.
    2) Additionally, the idea of going back/up with the knees seems of utter importance. “Lifting” the hips/sternum is important, too, but if the backwards/upwards movement induced by the legs is not executed enough, things seems to get out of sync quit easily.
    Finally, pardon any language glitches — English is my second language, not my mother tongue 🙂
    Best regards,
    P.S.: As I am moving next week and won’t have any kind of DSL flat rate for some time, I probably cannot continue watching lessons until end of June…

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