Not Stopping Time


This topic contains 4 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Anthony 7 years, 8 months ago.

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  • Not Stopping Time
  • #880260

    Hi All,

    I have just begun the training & was intrigued by the deeper discussion on “Not Stopping Time”. My eureka moment came, not on the golf course, but in the gym. I was going through my usual routine on a circuit bike when I realised that every time I looked at the clock to see how much of my workout remained, I was actually stopping time.
    I picked a stop on the wall to focused all of my attention on that stop for the rest of my workout. I was amazed a the results when I had finished. I had not only increased my distance & calories burned by 20%, but I also felt fresher than usual.
    I am beginning to see how Tathata philosophies can have an impact on everyday life as well as on the golf course.
    Just thought I would share in case it helps anybody out there.
    Thank You Bryan for putting this remarkable training together.


    Nice eureka moment Anthony. I recognise it many areas of of my life. My head voice is always trying to distract me from a task. I’m constantly stopping and starting. A doubt a question a treat a thought a reminder …. a distraction. These are literal but clearer indications of something more profound. My energy gets fragmented.

    I would like to be able to download the mental training sessions as short audio files to listen to on my phone or mp3 player or ipod etc. Hey Brian can you make a generic one for everyday life please.



    Hi Anthony,

    Thank you for sharing your experience with “not stopping time,” it’s great to hear how it has impacted you outside of golf. All of the deeper discussions are incredible “crucial” or very close to all of us at Tathata, but “not stopping time” is displayed on the walls of our corporate office with the words “The Energy of Greatness Never Stops.”

    We are excited to share in 2018, what will be known as Tathata Life. Tathata Life consists of many of the principles you have been introduced to in Tathata Golf and more but these principles will be applied toward everyday life. Tathata Life will also consist of a whole food/high nutrient dense greens product that will come alongside and will be an incredible option for Tathata Golf students to be accessible to in addition to a non-golfer looking to improve their overall health and wellness.

    Lee, thank you for your comments. We are excited for the new software and mobile app we are launching this summer that among many other great features, will allow the training and materials to be more accessible. We are looking into options for students to access training offline through the mobile app but nothing has been confirmed yet. We will keep you all updated as the updated software becomes available.

    We appreciate all of the time and effort you two and all students are putting into your training. We are still amazed by all of the support and feedback we receive from students on a daily basis. Even though we don’t get the chance to meet all of you in person, we definitely feel that you are family and love reading your stories of your experience with the training and hearing of your greatness coming out and growing stronger.

    Thank you all for being a part of the Tathata family!


    Thanks Lee,

    Great idea about the mental training audio sessions. I’m sure that your Tathata training will help you with this. I suppose that our perception of a distraction is everything, if we have the excitement of child-like play & a sense of what tomorrow, next week or next year holds for us, we will flow through these chores, fears & distractions with energy because we will be excited about what’s in store for us.

    I hope you receive more than you can ever dream of on & off the golf course,



    Thanks Guys,

    Hope you all had a great holiday weekend over there.

    Sending you much love from The Emerald Isle,


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