Old adage… hit your 2nd shot first!

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  • Old adage… hit your 2nd shot first!
  • #1144445

    For me my energy level obviously changes from the first t shot (I’ve totally messed up) to the 2nd Provisional shot. This is a regular feature of my game at present. Put a driver or 3w in my hands and hit all manner of miss hits with the first ball. Then, frankly pissed off, I cream my 2nd longer and straighter my single figure playing partners.

    We joke about ‘always hit your second first’ but how? There’s an intensity change. A different intent. More fired up free from thought freedom. More intent to ‘hit’ the ball. More focus into an at impact. I’m guessing here but it would be great to hear from the Tathata team on this.

    I’m interested in the transition of self and energy from green to tee. So I can have the right intent when I step on the tee.

    Lee (uk) 16Hcap 2nd time through the Program.


    Hi Lee,

    We would definitely say you are correct here. We tend to still have swing thoughts over the golf ball and this is okay, but we take away the energy and spontaneity from our game.

    Jack Nicklaus always talked about wanting to get the energy right. If the energy is right, we are able to draw our outcomes easier from this place rather than having swing thoughts.

    It sounds like you are on the right track and progressing toward this, congratulations on your training so far and we are excited for what’s ahead for you!


    Hi Lee,

    Have you make progress with hitting your “second ball first”? For us (the folks I’m training), the magic has come from training to know what we’re doing and then keeping the energy out front once on the course. In practice that means not stopping time if/when a shot isn’t as expected. Instead of feelings of anger we focus of how great the next shot will be. This change in mindset may take time to translate into the results you desire but it will if you commit to the change. We never re-tee a ball because that’s looking back to the previous shot. This next shot, whether it’s recovery or hitting that topped drive that landed on the lady’s tee, is “Going. To. Be. The. Best. Shot. EVER!” Every time.

    Warning, this requires near Vulcan mentality absent all of the analysis of course. Sometimes it helps to focus on how awesome it will feel in the days or weeks to come when you master keeping the energy out in front. Make that the goal instead of the shot outcome.

    Best luck!!

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