Skipping th mental bits …

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  • Skipping th mental bits …
  • #765190

    I’m in the middle of chapter 2 and play off 16.6

    So it’s ok to skip the mental bits and just do the golf bits right? Golf’s just physical right, hit hard and long, … ?

    I’m laughing at myself, yes I admit I’ve been skipping Brian’s mental sessions – “Sorry Brian”.

    I played the first Qualifier (Medal) of the year at our club called the Hospital Cup!! oh boy and did I need restraints and an ambulance on the 13th Par 3 where I took a Speith like 9 and NR’d on the next hole! Leading up to this I 3 putted 7 of the previous holes and took a penalty on my 2nd shot 170yd 7i from rough, which I clipped the only single small branch in my line of sight to the SI 2 12th pin.

    In a homage to Tin Cup I decided to par in with a 7i. That’s was fun, and almost did. Should have putted with it too!!

    With the help of Tathata, the things I do well natural; long irons, long drives, committed full swing mid irons, etc are already improving, a lot. The things I don’t do well; short game, putting and head game are much worse. I’m looking forward to getting to those chapters, but realise what I’ve been skipping as well….

    Time to take a pause and replay the previous sessions … including the mental and stretching!!

    A Passing note: I hit a 343yd drive – I have no idea how?!Never, hit 300 before. It was on the 18th, i’d disqualified from the competition and I was somewhere between relaxed, focused, didn’t care and really angry. I put the ball down, took my stance, breathed and moved as taught … I didn;t think, didn;t check, didn;t question, didn’t anything – just executed as if it was my last ever golf shot … Didn’t even know that potential was there …

    Thanks Tathata


    Hi Lee,

    Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

    We look forward to you training further in the program into Chapter 3 the pressure section that will bring the fundamentals of Chapters 1 & 2 together. As you are completing and dialing in these three chapters, know this is the foundation to not only building and enhancing your full swing but your short game motions as well!

    We encourage you to be open to hearing and experiencing something new with the mental training portion of the program. Please note that with these mental training exercises, it’s not “mental training,” these exercises are building strength and reverence to the outcomes you choose to create in your game. Many of the top amateurs and tour professionals value these exercises as the most important parts of the program. We have seen with all levels of players, that this portion of the program speeds up the movement training and fundamentals being applied to one’s game.

    Thank you Lee for the time and energy you are putting into your training! Enjoy.


    Lee, I actually think the mental training exercises have helped as much as the physical training in improving my game. My outlook on the course has changed and I am much more relaxed. I find myself much more forgiving of my mistakes and I feel like I have more confidence standing over shots as I know I am “trained”. I have eliminated practice swings from my pre-shot routine and am more focused on where I am going rather than how I should be swinging.

    I am really interested in seeing how well I do in the coming couple of months. Our club kicks into high gear with Match Play Championship beginning this month and Club Championship in June. It is under high pressure where I really get to see how my swing is doing as in those moments I fall back on motions I know and trust.

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