I’ve just completed Day 43. I’m definitely hitting the ball more solidly and in fact I am able to execute some amazing shots compared to where I was before. I am however hitting some shots that are wildly off (fat hits, pulls and slices). As I analyze my swing in relation to the teachings of this program, I’ve realized that I am not really able to determine if I’m executing Snap to Level correctly in the context of my full swing. I can do the exercise Snap to Level well enough, but because the swing is continuous and fast I really don’t know if I’ve “hit the mark” on this. I can evaluate how I’m doing on other aspects such as chest up, gluts back, punch back, arms to body, pressure, etc fairly easily, but I can’t seem to feel how I am doing on Snap to Level. Any thoughts on feeling Snap to Level in the context of the full swing? Thanks. Fred