Tempo and Rhythm

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Tathata Staff Tathata Staff 8 years, 12 months ago.

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  • Tempo and Rhythm
  • #17327

    I’ve always fought a quick swing, especially the takeaway which in turn rushes transition. Midway thru the Chapter 3 on pressure it occurred to me that your swing speed (tempo and rhythm by my definition) could mirror the build up of pressure scale described in the Chapter, that is, build up body speed gradually from 2 to 9. Is that correct thinking? Comments welcomed.


    Rick, I am on Day 25 a believe your thinking is correct. What is helping me at this stage is to imagine the I have a heavy log in my arms in front of me to start. It takes effort (imagined) to get the weight of the log to swing to the top of the backswing. My mind knows that it must start slow (pressure/speed 2) because of the weight and gradually increases in speed/pressure to lift the log to the top (4).

    Then I transition at the top (surf), the weight of the log then starts to gain speed (momentum)on the way down into impact. I imagine tossing the log as far as I can as I am coming into and out of impact and it carries me right to finish, pressure (speed) at an 8 or 9 and fully extended.

    When Bryan shows this type of move as he is explaining things I actually can feel the rhythm that the weight of the log creates.

    Best of luck with your training.



    Thank you for the question and Lance, thank you for your response. The log analogy is a great way to think about it.

    Rick, you are spot on in your understanding that the building of pressure coincides with the pace of your swing. What can happen when you start moving quickly in your takeaway is that the pressure in your whole body or parts of your body can go from 1 to 6-7 rapidly in the backswing causing the club to move just as quickly. To counteract this, you are correct in assuming that slowing the building of pressure will also help slow down your backswing. This is a great observation and thank you for sharing. It is our intention that others can benefit from yours and Lance’s posts as well.

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