When to hit the range?

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Kelly Kelly 7 years, 11 months ago.

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  • When to hit the range?
  • #589615

    I’m about to start day 3 of training . When should I go to the driving range to apply the learned movements?


    Kelly – Here is a reply from Team Tathata that was posted previously about this topic. Hope it helps!


    Thanks for the reply. Can you re-post the link or reply from Team Tathata? It didn’t appear to show up.


    Interesting. Someone must have inadvertently hit the “report” link. I hit it on your last post to see if he had a secondary screen requesting “why” it is being reported but there is none. One tap and it’s reported. This would be a good item for Team Tathata to submit to its web developer for correcting.

    Here is the link again: http://legacy.tathatagolf.com/forums/topic/play-while-training/



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